Saturday, 31 March 2018

Types of civilization

What are type I, type II ,type III Civilization

Type I

 basically type I civilization  are advanced civilization. They have knowledge about surround species ,environment ,nature etc. They are so aware of Eco friendly nature, wouldn't  want to destruction anymore  just want a peacefully being. they have new technologies and also capable to control environment  of own planet. The abilities like exploring new things from the space, 100% generation of energy from own planet. Cross the limit between life and death. With a advanced technology they become a more intelligent. Doing experimentation with the new species create a comfort according to their living circumstance. the species in type 1 civilization is able store energy from their neighbour star.

Type II

Type II Civilization are far advanced as compare to type I civilization the time period require to become type II is less for type I civilization this Civilization  posses an ability to generate their energy need from own solar system they are capable of reposition the planets from one place to other place. And also they can easily teleport from one solar system to other system. They can build a new planet or new city on different planet. They can not be vanise or destroy by any destructive events like meteor strike, solar radiation, super novas ,black holes etc.

Type III 

 this Civilizations species are beyond the level of thinking. scientist also claimed, type III Civilization  can do anything they want. They are capable of generating energy via from entire galaxy. They have ability to teleport their whole race from one galaxy to another. Also have inter galactic forces like in  star trek movie. They are capable of travelling even a faster than light as well as much more think which are can not be explain or describe in words.


NEW !(special)

Mass? Really!! : does mass is only responsible for bending of space time.


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